Nancy Rutherford, CRNP
Dori Middleman, MD
Dori Middleman, MD, is a graduate of Bryn Mawr College and Temple University School of Medicine.
She has been in private practice as a psychiatrist since 1992, when she completed child psychiatry training at the Philadelphia Child Guidance Clinic, a world-renowned center for family therapy, and Hahnemann University's Adult Psychiatric Residency Program. Dori is board-certified in both child and adult psychiatry.
Dori is Co-Director of the Pennsylvania Gestalt Center, where she trained and has worked since 1988. Many weekends of the year, she and Co-Director Dr. Mark Putnam facilitate Gestalt psychotherapy and training workshops and teach students in a three-year Gestalt training program. The approach of the Pennsylvania Gestalt Center is described in Mariah Gladis's wonderful book, Tales of a Wounded Healer, which is about Mariah's amazing life and also the theory and practice of Gestalt psychotherapy. Mariah founded the Pennsylvania Gestalt Center 40 years ago. She passed away in July of 2018, having survived nearly 40 years with Lou Gehrig's Disease.
Dori has been committed to working in underserved neighborhoods in Philadelphia. She worked for 16 years at the Health Annex of the Family Practice and Counseling Network in Southwest Philadelphia. She is also a consulting psychiatrist for the Mary Howard Health Center, which serves shelter residents and the homeless.
In 2024, Dori completed the Integrative Psychiatry Institute's year-long training program in psychedelic therapy, and she is now a certified psychedelic therapist.